
2022-07-05 21:58:00    becryo    738    原创
摘要:近日,公司通过“浙江省科技型中小企业”认定,喜获“浙江省科技型中小企业”称号,这是公司加强科技创新的积极成果,也将促进公司的跨越式发展。 Recently, the company through the "Zhejiang Province science and technology small and medium-sized enterprises" identification, happy to win the title of "Zhejiang Province science and technology small and medium-sized enterprises", which is the positive results of the company to strengthen scientific and technological innovation, will also promote the company's leapfrog development.


Recently, the company through the "Zhejiang Province science and technology small and medium-sized enterprises" identification, happy to win the title of "Zhejiang Province science and technology small and medium-sized enterprises", which is the positive results of the company to strengthen scientific and technological innovation, will also promote the company's leapfrog development.
